“Hi, I’m SAM, Lakeland Networks’ new Virtual Assistant! I’m excited to answer any questions you may have about Lakeland’s services. Think of me as new member of the team at Lakeland. My responsibility over time, and with your help, is to learn all I can to assist you better. Please understand that I learn best when interacting with you and that I always have room for improvement! Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated while I continue to develop.”
The Lakeland Networks family is excited to introduce you to our newest team member, SAM! SAM is our virtual assistant who is available on our website 24/7. SAM is a “chatbot,” a computer technology that works to replicate or automate written conversation with our existing and potential customers. During regular business hours you will also be able to reach our live agents via SAM.
SAM is dedicated to being your instant, 24/7 technical and customer service representative. You can reach SAM at any time, from anywhere! If speaking to a friendly virtual assistant is your preference, now you can do so! SAM will help Lakeland Networks to be more proactive when receiving inquiries from customers by eliminating wait times and speeding up overall business processes, while still being as efficient as possible.

Please feel free to speak to SAM about any questions or concerns you may have regarding Lakeland services. SAM is learning and will be well informed of our Internet, Phone, Television, and support services. Please keep in mind that chatbots embedded in any company website only hold the knowledge that the company has provided it with. Lucky for us, SAM can monitor the data that is presented when a customer engages in conversation. This means that your online interaction with SAM is a big part of the development. For example, common questions asked that are not yet spoken for will begin to populate in our directory, signaling Lakeland to include that information in SAM’s database. We will be continually monitoring the successes and needs for improvement that SAM has while engaging with our customers. The data collected helps us to fill in any gaps that we may have missed so that we can improve our chatbot to better meet your expectations.
In the case that SAM does not meet your requirements, during regular business hours, SAM can also help you to connect with one of our live agents who will be pleased to assist you with your questions or concerns. Please come back on a regular basis to see how SAM has steadily improved! We understand that you have a choice in service providers and Lakeland Networks thanks you for choosing us. We appreciate your understanding and patience as this is a learning and growing process as SAM is integrated into our team.
Welcome aboard, SAM!