Guiding the Remote Work Change

Nov 28, 2023

Written by: Sara Abdi, Marketing Intern

In recent years, remote work has transformed from a trend to a necessity, reshaping the way we approach our professional lives. As the world embraces the benefits of flexible work arrangements, it’s crucial to understand both the advantages and challenges that come with working remotely from home. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of remote work, offering ergonomic tips, productivity hacks, and safety measures to ensure a successful and healthy work-from-home experience. 

Advantages of Remote Work:

  1. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance:
    Remote work provides the freedom to design a workday that suits individual preferences, fostering a healthier balance between professional and personal life.
  2. Increased Productivity:
    Many find that the absence of office distractions leads to heightened productivity. The ability to create a personalized workspace can enhance focus and efficiency.
  3. Cost Savings:
    Employees can save on commuting costs, work attire, and daily meals, while companies can benefit from reduced overhead expenses associated with maintaining a physical office space.

Disadvantages of Remote Work:

  1. Isolation and loneliness:
    The lack of face-to-face interaction may lead to feelings of isolation. Maintaining regular communication through virtual meetings and collaborative tools is essential for team cohesion.
  2. Potential for Overworking:
    The blurred lines between home and office can sometimes result in working longer hours. Establishing clear boundaries and adhering to a structured schedule can help prevent burnout.
  3. Technical Challenges:
    Dependence on technology can pose challenges, such as connectivity issues, software glitches, or inadequate home office setups. Being prepared for these challenges and seeking prompt solutions is crucial.

Ergonomic Tips for a Comfortable Workspace:

  1. Invest in a comfortable chair and desk:
    Choose ergonomic furniture that supports good posture and reduces strain on your back and neck.
  2. Optimize Screen Height:
    Position your computer screen at eye level to prevent neck strain. Consider using a laptop stand or external monitor.
  3. Take Regular Breaks:
    Incorporate short breaks to stretch and move around. This helps prevent stiffness and promotes overall well-being.

How to Make Working from Home Better:

A woman with blond hair and a floral arm tattoo talks on the phone while sitting at her desk at the Lakeland Networks office.
  1. Establish a dedicated workspace:
    Designate a specific area in your home for work to create a clear boundary between your professional and personal life.
  2. Set boundaries:
    Communicate your working hours to family members or housemates to minimize interruptions and maintain focus during designated work times.
  3. Stay Connected:
    Foster a sense of camaraderie by scheduling regular virtual meetings and team-building activities to maintain a strong connection with colleagues.

Safety tips when working from home:

  1. Ensure Adequate Lighting:
    Position your workspace in a well-lit area to reduce eye strain and create a comfortable working environment.
  2. Secure Cables and Wires:
    Organize and secure cables to prevent tripping hazards and create a safer workspace.
  3. Regularly Check Equipment:
    Regularly inspect and maintain your home office equipment to ensure everything is in good working order. Report any issues promptly to your IT department.

Embracing the remote work lifestyle requires a thoughtful approach to overcome challenges and maximize the benefits. By implementing ergonomic practices, establishing effective communication, and prioritizing safety, remote workers can create a conducive and sustainable work-from-home environment. As we navigate this evolving landscape, the key lies in adaptability, resilience, and a commitment to maintaining the well-being of both individuals.

Working from home for Lakeland Networks has presented a unique opportunity for me as a student to seamlessly integrate both work and schooling into my daily routine. The flexibility of remote work has allowed me to craft a schedule that accommodates my academic commitments while fulfilling my responsibilities at Lakeland Networks. This newfound balance has not only enhanced my productivity but has also afforded me the ability to manage my time efficiently, meet professional requirements and academic pursuits without compromising the quality of either. As a result, I’ve found myself better positioned to navigate the demands of both spheres, creating a holistic and fulfilling experience that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of work and education. 

However, amid the advantages of this remote work arrangement, there’s a distinct sense of nostalgia for the vibrant community at Lakeland Networks. While the virtual space facilitates collaboration and communication, it cannot replace the personal connections forged in the office. I find myself missing the daily interactions, impromptu discussions, and camaraderie that comes with being physically present among the wonderful people at Lakeland. The office environment, with its shared experiences and shared spaces, holds a unique charm that virtual interactions can’t entirely replicate. Despite the convenience and efficiency of working from home, there’s a heartfelt longing for the warmth of face-to-face connections and the energy of a bustling office atmosphere. 

A black water bottle and a turquoise cooler on a picnic table in a forested area.


CCOHS: Telework / Remote Work / Working From Home

PC Mag: 20 Tips for Working From Home

Hubspot: Productivity Tips for Working From Home

BetterUp: 25 Working From Home Tips