The Lakeland Networks family is excited to introduce you to our newest team member, SAM, our virtual assistant who is available on our website 24/7. Please feel free to speak to SAM about any questions or concerns you may have regarding Lakeland services.
Understanding the Wi-Fi Environment
One of the common struggles I hear about is Wi-Fi coverage throughout the home. By comparing Wi-Fi to soundwaves, it’s easy to understand how it works and how to troubleshoot coverage issues.
Building Our Network
People are often surprised to learn that Lakeland Networks builds, owns, and maintains our own infrastructure. Our network is “our network”, which allows us to set the standard for quality.
Proper Router Placement
Has your internet service quality recently dropped? Make sure your router is placed in an optimal place.
Staying Safe Online
The internet is an amazing tool that we use every day, but it’s important to stay vigilant and safe online. Here are just a few tips to keep in mind when using the internet.
Adapting to New Technology
Lakeland staff recently worked to complete a ‘Hybrid Access Network’ to improve connectivity within Muskoka. If you are wondering what a Hybrid Access Network is, you are likely not alone.