

Staying Safe Online

The internet is an amazing tool that we use every day, but it’s important to stay vigilant and safe online. Here are just a few tips to keep in mind when using the internet. 

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Work-Life Balance

While completing my Communication Studies degree, I have had the opportunity of working hands on, in the field of telecommunications and marketing for Lakeland Networks. This means I am also gaining experience of what it means to juggle a work-life balance.

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Boston Marathon Bound

The journey to qualify for the Boston Marathon has been transformative for me. I’m looking forward to sharing this accomplishment with a few other amazing Muskoka based runners headed to Boston in April.

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A Fulfilling Career

Lakeland Networks is a great place to work, and I’d recommend it to anyone interested in a long-term career.

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Embracing Change

The only constant in Lakeland Networks is change, and embracing this change is what has made us so successful.

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Why is supporting local so important?

We’ve all seen the advertising campaigns and social media posts about “Supporting Local,” and if there is one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, local businesses need our support now more than ever.

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