By C. Miller
I was born and raised in Muskoka. A lot of what brought me back and keeps me in the area is the sense of community here: the small town feel where you care about your neighbours, you say hello and smile to people on the street or in the grocery store, and you feel safe enough to leave your doors unlocked. These things are what make this community so special. I find myself fortunate to call Muskoka home, and to work for a company that I feel encompasses the same sense of community.
Lakeland Networks as a company really fosters a culture of caring, both within the organization for employees and for the community we serve. Working at Lakeland you feel like you are part of a team/family and it’s easy to recognize the effort everyone puts into fostering a sense of community within the organization. In my time at Lakeland the company has constantly been expanding and taking on new challenges allowing staff to continue to learn new skills and always keep improving. At Lakeland you get to work with an incredible group of people who really take a team approach to serving our customers.
Lakeland is very community oriented; the company cares about and is dedicated to the local area at large because we are all members of that same community. The Lakeland employees you see out and about, running fibre lines, installing towers, or restoring services after an outage are all our neighbors. The Lakeland employees you talk to on the phone for technical support, for assistance with your billing, or assistance with scheduling your installation are people who work, shop, and live locally. We might be the people you see at the grocery store, the friendly face you see at the local coffee shop, or a member of your gym, and I think that this is what motivates us as a company to provide the best service we can for our customers and our community. We really are local and that is what sets us apart.