By B. Keith
As a Customer Service Representative with Lakeland Networks we take our customer care to heart. I spend a lot of my time either on the phone with customers or emailing back and forth with them on the computer. During the pandemic we were fortunate enough to be able to do our jobs from home and continue working, something not all companies were able to provide for their teams.
A major benefit to being at home was not having to worry about childcare for our children when schools were closed and we had to move to an online educational format. I am sure I’m not alone when I say, “Working virtually while supporting your children in school every day has its challenges.” I have four children, two in high school and two in elementary school. I found the older two simply needed encouragement to stay focused and attend their lessons, but the younger two required much more help. From logging in at the right time, to losing the video call midway through the presentation, to figuring out how to turn in assignments on their laptops; the list seems endless even as I type it.
As the school year drew to an end and the summer holidays were upon us, I wondered how much more difficult it might be to keep them busy with all the free time they now have. This being said, I think a huge shoutout to all TEACHERS, STUDENTS and PARENTS is in order for working through a very difficult situation. It couldn’t have been done without everyone working together, and I’m sure we all had our moments when we just wanted to throw in the towel and say, “I’m done!”
I am so thankful I had the support of my company and colleagues during this past year. It has made such an impact on my personal situation to be here for my children while still being able to do my role at work. I know I am very lucky to have this opportunity.